Company Description

RobotMan, Inc. d.b.a. RobotWorx repairs, sells, integrates, and maintains both new and used robots to various industrial companies with an emphasis on arc welding robots and robotics.

Services Provided

The principals of MelCap Partners assisted RobotWorx in selling the business to the most logical strategic buyer.

The Result

The shareholders of RobotWorx sold the Company to Scott Technology Limited, a strategic buyer located in Dunedin, New Zealand.

“MelCap Partners was able to find a strategic buyer for us that was literally on the other side of the globe. It was my first experience with selling a business I started 22 years ago, and it was important to me that the buyer would keep all the employees intact at the same location. MelCap was able to find a buyer that matched up exactly with what I was looking for. It’s difficult and emotional selling a business you put your life’s work into, and MelCap understood what I was going through and made it all come together.”

Mr. Keith Wanner

RobotWorx’ President